Saturday, January 16, 2010

Baskin Robbins in Lancaster, Ohio

I always assumed that someday I would write a book or better yet a movie based on all of our stories derived from our time working at Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors in Lancaster.

BR crew
Russ, Eva, Doug and Dave

Miss Sally reminded me of a story today:

There were a cavalcade of regular customers that came through the door. One set was a family of three. A father, mother and daughter combo. They were very nice and quiet. They always came in on Wednesday nights and... they always had wet hair. Nicely combed, wet hair.

We called them "The Wetheads."

We assumed that they bathed once a week, and to celebrate, they went out for ice cream.

For two years the Wetheads came and went. Their little girl was growing up.

Staff at Baskin Robbins came and went and they were all introduced to the Wetheads if they worked on a Wednesday night. Trina worked one Wednesday night and was thrilled when the Wetheads came in. Against every rule in the Baskin Robbins' unofficial employee handbook she came right out and asked them why they always had wet hair on Wednesdays. I cringed as they answered:

"We go to the Family Swim at the YMCA every Wednesday and then we get ice cream afterward."

After that we still called them the Wetheads. And still do today.

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